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Milf_hunter69 03 10,2020
I'm so sorry,idk how to respond,my parents divorced when i was really young,if you're parents divorce its not necessarily a bad thing?you'll still be able to visit both of them I'm pretty sure,please take care of you're self first,calm down,drink some water,take a nap,things like this can seem scary,but you're safety is a top priority,im not the be......   reply
03 10,2020
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imgoingtojumpoffaroof 03 10,2020
Hello there.There is no right way or an exact emotion how should you feel about your situation.Try to understand the exact reason why are you feeling scared.Its okay to feel any emotion you are feeling right now.Think about it this way.No matter how harsh it sounds,their possible divorce is better than being in an unhappy marriage.Unhappy marriage ......   reply
03 10,2020
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03 10,2020
Hi there, What you're feeling is perfectly normal ! You're entitled to feel sad, angry or confused about all this. I think you should talk to your parents about this. They absolutely CANNOT talk about their sex life and intimate relationships in front of you. You shoudn't have to be involved this much in your parents marital life. You're their chi......   1 reply
03 10,2020
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03 10,2020
I think it's ok. Ofc it is hard for you but acc to me a happy marriage doesn't exist. So if your parents are happy with it, support them. But don't worry, they won't leave you. Ofc this is only my opinion   reply
03 10,2020
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04 10,2020
Can I hug you? My family isn't the best one either my mother doesn't care about her only child father isn't aware that he has a family I don't even know why they still together but i got used to it lol. I think you should talk to your parents about what makes you uncomfortable and scared and talk things out, sorry I suck ik lol   reply
04 10,2020
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Iamzemuffinboi 03 10,2020
Hi! It seems like this is really taking a toll on your mental health, and I’m sorry. That’s a lot for anyone to process, so I think you’re doing about as well with it as I or anyone else would. I can’t imagine being in the position you’re put in right now, but I was 9 when my parents split up. I can tell you firsthand as someone who didn�......   reply
03 10,2020
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03 10,2020
It's very clear that your parents love and care about you. My parents divorced when I was around four and I was one of those kids that told my dad to wait for my mom to come back to him. And I think that made it hard for him to move on. One year, when I was in middle school, I found out that he got married to a new (amazing and super kind) woman, m......   reply
03 10,2020
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03 10,2020
It's okay just keep your head up I have family issues to and I know it's not a bright time,but what hurts you makes you stronger if you can't sleep try to listen to music and maybe you'll fall asleep so things that will get things off your mind stay strong!!! (⌒▽⌒)   reply
03 10,2020

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