Trans ftm surgery
Hey hey hey, I'm a trans male who is too young to have the surgery. Are there any ftm people on here who already had their surgery (Bottom and top surgery), I have a few questions!
1) Do you still have your period when you have bottom surgery?
2) Do you get a penis when you transition? (You don't have to answer this one if you're not comfortable. I just get a lot of dysphoria from my female genitalia :( )
3) When you get top surgery, do you still have marks?
4) When you transition, do you *have* to have a mustache/beard. I'm not very comfortable with having a mustache/beard :/
5) What do you do if your family doesn't accept you and buy you a binder and testosterone?
That's all the questions I have for now! I really want to know because I get a bit of dysphoria with my period and female genitalia. Sorry if these questions seemed a bit rude, that wasn't my intention :(
As an FTM that’s also not fully transitioned, I’m pretty sure I can answer some of these questions due to the copious amounts of pure research I did on these topics, but as I said I didn’t have the surgery either so if you decide to believe me is up to you. I don’t know if the surgery itself stops the cycle, but I do know that for some FTM ......
02 10,2020