The joke of the year

Pika20 Pika20 2020-09-28 15:01:03 About family drama
so I was sexually abused by my grandfather when I was 7-8 years old. He is the father of my mother. So recently my grandmother died and my mother and extended family invited my grandfather to live with us. Previously he and my grandmother lived in another city when I was 10 years old until before my grandmother died. I've always avoided him at family events and ever since I understood what he had done to me. I can't tell my family what happened and now he wants to live with us? I'm afraid i will gone mad and Maybe I'll kill him.


clinicallyawhore September 28, 2020 9:51 pm

The police won’t always help, hardly ever do if you’re American. I’d tell your mother and make it clear exactly what happened even though it’s painful. Abuse tends to escalate and I don’t want you to get hurt even worse. And if he does anything, record it.

Pika20 September 29, 2020 12:17 am

I will leave the house anyway. I will go out from here. It such a mess in my home. They will blame me and i know they will say I'm overthinking and doesn't really understand what sexual abused is. Thank you for the ideas. I will get my camera ready when he is near me.

Blue7K September 28, 2020 3:47 pm

Can't you report him to police ,im sure that what he did can be punished by law!!

Pika20 September 29, 2020 12:20 am

It's already in past. I will be the one who get public embarrassment if i report it. I already tried to test my mom to ask about sexual abused and she said if women get sexual abused is because she wore something sexy. It's women's fault so i keep silent until now.

Blue7K September 29, 2020 12:04 pm
It's already in past. I will be the one who get public embarrassment if i report it. I already tried to test my mom to ask about sexual abused and she said if women get sexual abused is because she wore somethi... Pika20

Dam,that sucks,and no offence but the mentality of your mother sucks too,if u are still having an hard time about what that person did think about the fact he's times up sooner or later the clock will ring for him and if not call me and ill come with the Glock ,cheer up!

Toefuggie September 28, 2020 3:09 pm

I think that you should tell them but if you reallllllly dont want to. Puncture his lungs and throw him into a river

Pika20 September 29, 2020 12:26 am

Lol. When that happened I don't really know what's going on. i think it's one of show affection from my grandfather to me. On middle school and i know about sex things then i realized what he's done to me. So after that i always avoid him when we met on family gathering. seeing his face disgusted me. He always tried to hug me,kiss me and show affection like grandfather but i always ignore him and rarely see him. My big family got angry because I've been rude to him but i don't care.

family drama

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