Whenever a relationship or marriage ends, people usually jump right into another relationship or marriage instead of taking the time to do some self-discovery. People tend to have a hard time being alone even if it's for a short period of time. People can't seem to be happy without a significant other or children. They feel the need to always have someone in their life. There is nothing wrong with relationships, but being alone is not as bad as everyone thinks it is. I think the media plays a big part in this. There are all kinds of movies, tv shows, and songs about finding that special someone. The media portrays to us that there is that special someone out there for each and every one of us and that once we find that special someone we will be happy for the rest of our lives. What you see in the movies and on tv is not real-life. The media gives us this narrative that you can only be happy when you are with a significant other. Society equates being alone to loneliness. Just because you are alone doesn't mean you are lonely. You can be married/in a relationship and have kids and still feel lonely.
Hope your cock gets burned off by the time i finish reading this
26 09,2020