it was my friend birthday yesterday, we was drinking and smoking weed then i passed out. i was in and out conclusion sleeping in her room then someone came and woke me up to suck their dick at the time i didnt even know who it was. i guess if some one was coming he pushed me back on the ground saying shush dont tell and i was hella confuse. i honesly dont know how time he did it. then i finally got to look for my phone but i was still out it. i was with my friend bf and every one was mostly sleeping. he said let look upstairs so i follow him and he took me and empty room pulling my pants down and he did it without a condom and i was on my period he came on me. idk wat happen after that but while walking me to the bus stop he did to me two more time and took my money. i felt awful and was crying the whole time on the bus i have a whole bunch of cuts on me and scared to tell and to get pregnant
First of all, they're a bitch for doing that without consent, and they stole your money making it twice as wrong. Take a pregnancy test to relieve that stress, talk to people about it. Best of luck ♡ reply