help me pls
help pls help me. Im so tired. exhausted so much i regret being born.
i thought im just sad because i cant get a job but i do have one now and i havent been sad nor tired like i want to die for 3 weeks. I actually felt good and are well rested but it started again last night. It might be triggered by something but i dont remember.
im more irritable when im usually patient and calm. my body is heavy and this morning i feel like throwing up and when i rushed into the toilet theres no vomit i just gag until i find myself forcefully pushing out my breakfast but it wont come out no matter so i just gag until my stomach returns to normal. IDK what that is but its painful.
this kind of tiredness where im just so exhausted i cant explain, i want to die but thinking about what i could leave behind like funeral bills and guiltiness placed on my fam's heart makes me stop at the same time i have deep desire to sleep forever. i tried everything, i walked in the sun to soak in that shine and took basic care of myself but i still feel this tiredness in episodes. specially every month or so, it started last year or maybe longer than that.
please help me what is this am i just sad? or do i need to invest and talk to a therapist? i tried to talk to a friend but it didnt help this kind of episodes came back and i dont want to burden them so much. please i beg any of you i just want to know whats wrong with me i dont know anymore. I dont want to assume any mental health disorder. half of me also just want to know if what im experiencing is valid because it doesnt go away
Okay, first of all, for the stomach thing, maybe try and see a doctor? Because that's not normal and is really concerning. The stomach thing makes me think you may have a physical issue. It's important to remember that your mind and body are highly connected, so your mental health can and will be affected by your physical health! A lot of physical ......
24 09,2020