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21 09,2020
simple. A guy like you.   reply
21 09,2020
21 09,2020
A guy like you for sure   reply
21 09,2020
21 09,2020
I will go jk (No.1)   reply
21 09,2020
a guy like you, hands down.   reply
21 09,2020
I'd pick A Guy Like You in a heartbeat, I swear if anyone says At The End Of The Road >:/   1 reply
21 09,2020 21 09,2020
A guy like you   reply
21 09,2020
I don't know all of them but A Guy Like You gets out for sure   reply
21 09,2020
HaeyoungSimp 03 10,2020
I'll give my picks in order: #1 A Guy Like You - beautiful manhwa, kinda shaky progression and over-complicated plot device (the stupid ass stones) #2 - Raising a Bat - tbh idk this one but I don't generally like Vampire/Sub-supernatural plots just as an excuse for forced flirtation #3 - 10 Years That I Loved You The Most - I hate that cheating b......   1 reply
03 10,2020
21 09,2020
At the end of the road I guess   2 reply
21 09,2020