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One of the worst things someone can do to another person who trusts them. Cheating isn't something that gets resolved when they break up or the cheater apologizes, it stays with someone through their whole life and causes a lot of hidden damage. There is NO excuse for it. I don't care if you love someone else or just hate your partner, you need to ......   reply
30 04,2017
I don't think that cheating is as black and white as some think. There are circumstances where people cheat and it's understandable. There are many people who for various reasons are unable to leave the relationship that they are in, and if they find someone who can provide them with whatever they believe to be missing from their present relationsh......   reply
14 05,2017
Cheating is in my opinion the result of people's twisted perception of a relationship. A relationship between two (let's say two for the sake of going with the "norm") people, as in two people going out, apart from the romantic, or sentimental sense, when looked at in the sense of a contract, is when two people agree that they like spending time wi......   1 reply
29 04,2017
Abhor it. I've been surrounded by many people growing up (family and friends) who don't realize their cheating isn't really a secret. They're good family and friends, but they aren't good people in my opinion. That doesn't mean I hate them, of course. I think seeing this and getting used to how it's slowly becoming a norm nowadays (because cheating......   reply
29 04,2017
No, I will not betray my partner's trust. Nope. I don't know, how the hell I suppose to know lol, but if someone cheat on me I will let them go. Thats it why depend someone who betray you on the first place, right?   reply
30 04,2017
Mei 30 04,2017
No I'd never cheat and have never cheated. I hope I never get cheated on period and as much as I ship BL, I really hope I never get cheated on via BL as well. I don't want to feel like a stepladder for someone's sexuality when I already feel betrayed by their disloyalty.   reply
30 04,2017
If it's a monogamous relationship where both sides are committed, it's bad to do. However, if it's an on-off or open relationship, it can't really be called cheating if both sides know and agree there's no long-term loyalty.   reply
30 04,2017
Would never commit and never forgive. As simple as that.   2 reply
30 04,2017
Truthfully, I dislike cheating. But it is difficult to argue about this topic, since everyone strongly disagrees what counts as cheating and what does not. The convention is that once you are in a relationship, you should not be romantically involved with anyone else. However, I wonder why every relationship has to be strictly monogamous? There is ......   reply
29 04,2017
Hana 30 04,2017
cheating? i ever did it once when i dated a man who eight years older than me. he doesn't know i cheated on him. the reason is the man who i dated, i dont know whether he loves me or not, our relationship is just okay, we dont fight or argue about something but he doesnt give me a proper affection, he seldom calls or sends me a message, i felt so ......   reply
30 04,2017

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