/ / Fetishizing
Hanabi no Oto ga Kikoenaku Naru Made
Or Until We Hear The Fireworks Stop is a rather popular Shota manga by Shinachiku. It features an underaged boy and his much older lover. A romantic tale of a young boy and his sexual experiences with his older lo- ok. Lets not sugar coat anything here. It's pedophilia and the fact that it's a hentai is no excuse, in fact, it probably doesn't better your case at all as hentai is erotica meaning you're supposed to gain some sort of sexual gratification from it. I don't know about you, but I think being turned on by 10 year olds getting touchy touchy with their Onii- San, manga or not, is fucking weird. And the comments don't make these Fujoshi look any better

Now, I know what you're thinking: "this is just a single example!! We're not all like this!!" Worry, not. Sites that feature a comment system, such as this one, MyReadingManga.com, Mangakalot etc. often have the comment sections of yaoi chock full of people sexualizing taboo subject such as r^pe, abuse, incest etc. People on this site are fairly tame, although you get the occasional comment from someone who'll fetishize these things, it's really nothing compared to other sites. When it comes to other sites, Jesus do I hope God passes proper judgment upon these people. While browsing through various tags on manga reading sites populated by predominately Fujoshi, I've noticed that 9 times out of 10, anything under the "rape". "shota". or "abusive lover" tags will normally have people fetishizing the situation completely throwing the "rape bad" thought to the back of their brain. Or whatever is left of it... if they ever had one in the first place.
Now, I'm not saying "don't read manga that feature rape, incest or abuse!!" No, no that's ridiculous. It's important for manga to feature these things to bring awareness to abusive relationships and I see nothing wrong with it as long as there's emphasis put on the fact that rape and abuse are bad. If you're heading into something tagged with 'rape' and 'abuse' and step into it wanting to be aroused by these subjects, be it a hentai or a normal yaoi, please see yourself out. You're not needed.
/ / Doujinshi
Have you ever heard of Gon x Hisoka doujinshi?
They're pretty popular, believe it or not, you can probably find a few on this site. I was pretty surprised. The purpose of me bringing this up is to say the following- I don't think the problem lies solely with the Fujoshi that read and fetishize these things, but the Fujoshi that allow it: the authors. And yes, nearly everyone who writes Yaoi is female. Not only can you tell by their names, but the genre of MLM witten for gay men BY gay men is called Bara. Anything that isn't Bara was most likely written by a woman. I don't know what headspace you need to be in to think writing about a 12 year old and a 29 year old getting down and dirty is an objectively good idea but- the door.
Doujinshi are great. I love Doujins, especially ones featuring characters from anime that I personally ship. And I will never shame anyone for liking or being aroused by hentai. Cause that's the point of it. I just draw the lines at adults having sex with literal children, incest and rape and abuse with no sign that the author wants you to view this encounter as a bad thing. That's weird and wrong in any context.

/ / Pressure
The vast majority of Fujoshi get upset when you call out how most of them like to fetishize taboo subjects.
Frankly if you're going to bitch and wail when people say "I hate when Fujoshi ship children with adults" you're probably the problem. You wouldn't be complaining if it didn't apply to you in the first place.
On a completely unrelated note, I've witnessed many Fujoshi pushing for gay representation in manga and anime. Take the recent push for KiriBaku being canon in the last couple of months. Ridiculous. I also see many people drawing strange conclusions about characters in anime surrounding their sexuality so that it fits their weird fantasies. If they're not gay, they're not gay. Please stick to the Doujins instead of pressuring authors to make it canon.
As far as pushing for representation in anime in manga, i dont see much of a problem with this as long as they're not trying to literally force it on creators. But frankly, if we're to have this, I'd want it to be written by and actual gay man to display the gay experience more accurately. There certainly are manga and anime that were written by women that display the gay experience phenomenally but, unfortunately, the bad outweighs the good in this category as most of the anime that claim to be "representing gays" just ends up seeming like it was written some 14 year Tumblr girl and is what she THINKS a gay relationship and the experience should be like.

/ / Stereotypes
Why do Fujoshi?
Why do most of them bring stereotypes that should only exist within hentai and doujins and apply them to actual gay men in real life. I really don't know what fantasy world you're living in, Emilia, but Uke's aren't always cock-slut twinks who're all uwu kawaii and Seme's aren't always macho men who're assertive and possessive. And most gays probably aren't flamboyant either.
God it is so annoying trying to converse with a Fujoshi. As soon as the subject of sexuality comes up its always "oh you're gay? I would have never known! you dont act it!" Tell me what that means, Emilia, I'd love to know.
The stereotypes surrounding Ukes, Semes and Sekes have crossed over into the real world through a swarm of Fujoshis and they're then applies to gay men IRL. Please stop. God, please stop.

/ / end
Clearly, not all Fujoshi are this way. Sane Fujoshi exist, however, I feel that they are the minority of the community. If anyone happens to see this and begins to complain, you're probably the problem. Gay men shouldn't have to conform to the stereotypes Fujoshi form based off of the hentai or yaoi they read. authors shouldn't feel pressured to incorporate gay characters into their works and your like for pedophilia cannot be justified with the statement "well it's just hentai" cause that only makes you look like even more of a fucking weirdo than you already are.
i just hope we could just use bl fans to differentiate to those fujoshis that are like that
Can I see this published in every single history book??
*** Haha I'm a little late to the party here and also, as a side note, please please please don’t ever go up to a male Japanese mangaka and call his works ‘bara’. ‘Bara’ is an outdated term that LGBT+ Japanese men find obsolete if not offensive. The genre (‘mlm written by mlm for mlm’) has been replaced by ‘gei comi/gei komi’) but tbh you could have just purposely used the word ‘bara’ because it’s what westerners are most familiar with (hence the ‘bara’ tag still being used on mangago and every other site....)
Interesting. I’ll be sure to remember this in the future
yep, while I was scrolling through MRM a hentai of a little kid getting done big his older brother when he was sleeping was uploaded; at this point I am sad to say that tags like shota/rape/incest don't face me since I've been in the community for a long time and I have grown to be desensitized, but this was just plain out gross, the child-like voice acting, the childish feel behind the kid getting done, and the convincing aura of it actually being a child. Disgusting, I couldn't help myself but comment something tame since I know how defensive people get in that site. I commented " T-these tags, that's a no from me dawg..." and then literally another person commented on how they don't like it, nothing too bad like accusing the readers or porn producers being pedos or anything. And some fucking how these bitches get all defensive and post "smh can't you people read tags, stop complaining when you don't even read" like bruh, and then I replied with "I read the tags alright, I mean if all those things are ok with you why can't you just be ok with some negative comments on such problematic matters, it's not like even the popular things don't get shit said about them. If anything it's kind of dumb that people complain about other people complaining (ಠ_ಠ)>⌐■-■" anyways it unfolded into this stupid argument and I what stood out to me is that obviously people favored the other's opinion. At the time I didn't think much about it but now that I read this I am reminded of how dumb that argument was. I also hate that about fujoshis. (sorry this was long to read)
All of this is facts
Exactly this is EXACTLY how I felt !!! Thank you for writing this whole rant about this.
Jeezuz christ you did all this to justify why you don’t like Fujoshis ? (Dk doe tl;dr)
I dislike Fujoshi due to the vast majority of them pushing gay relationships on others. On top of that, many try and justify their liking for pedophilia, rape, incest and abuse by using the excuse that "its a manga/hentai so it doesn't count" although that doesn't make it any better at all. They've abandoned all morals and have even went as far as to try and push KiriBaku into being canon. They're actively shipping adults with children and bringing stereotypes that should only exist within anime/manga/doujinshi into the real world and applying them to actual gays.
Thak you so much, you got some good points, I like BL and I agree with everything you said
Hell yeah, get their asses. Although in my opinion, any "sane" fujoshi wouldn't identify with fujoshi at all