a dream where i question my sexuality
one time i dreamed of a girl she was pretty i couldnt quite make out what her face feature was cause im a dumbass and i usually forgot my dreams so we were just talking and suddenly to the next scene im fucking her like i suddenly had a diccc (im a girl btw) and we were making out it was hot and then i woke up since that dreamed appeared i tend to question my sexuality if Im actually straight or not
nah dont worry, u're just excited to see some oppai and hentai.
happens to me sometimes.(im a girl)
but lol... once i dreamed of kissing a kid............. *not on his cheek but on his mouth*
ShOUlD i QuesTioN mY preferEnceS?
Btw i was 11 at the time.
im 15 now, even tho i was 11 i was too tall for the women around me.. so i kinda felt like a grown up... DOes tHis CoUNt AS pEDoPHilIA? XDDD