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Dylan_D21 18 09,2020
Just leave him be. You've been rejected twice too, isn't it better to stay as friends?   1 reply
18 09,2020
Hmmm I mean you got rejected twice so maybe it's time to give up? Plus he's straight as you said, no point in pursuing someone who you don't have a chance with , so maybe just put a small distance between you two But hey idk I've never liked someone   1 reply
18 09,2020
itsme_ 18 09,2020
if i were you i would give up i mean he rejected you twice and as the people that answered and me myself its clear he wants to be friends with you i hope you can meet someone that will love you   reply
18 09,2020
mxchaes 18 09,2020
I'd say give up. I mean ik that's easy to say but he's rejected you twice already and he's straight. Don't waste your time, you'll eventually find someone else and get over him. Also idk how to feel abt him teasing you, sounds a bit like he's playing with your feelings because he knows you like him.   reply
18 09,2020
18 09,2020
Uh, move on and tell him to stop teasing you? I don't see how this is complicated...   reply
18 09,2020
It’s important to know that NO means NO and it doesn’t mean “convince me” so I think you should move on. I know moving on is easier said than done but you also need to respect his decision. Instead of pining for this guy, go spend that time loving yourself more or finding a better man that’s actually worth your time. To quote the queen,......   reply
18 09,2020
Scout 22 09,2020
Take the other's advice: Give up and move on. If his sexuality wasn't enough the double rejection should have been enough :/ It sucks I know I was in your shoes. If you can't/ don't want to avoid him for a bit you should ask him for boundaries. Ask him to stop teasing you because it stirs up emotions, he should understand. Meeting new people will p......   reply
22 09,2020
Cold Feet 18 09,2020
Hmm, to me it seems like he's teasing you as a way of showing that he isn't disgusted by you. Ya know, kinda like being bros in a healthy way? You could just be honest and nicely ask him to take it down a notch so that you can't get thrown off by something that goes over your comfort level. (Optional: you could also try getting used to it by be......   reply
18 09,2020
18 09,2020
you suck move on   1 reply
18 09,2020
Sumim@sen 22 09,2020
Logical solution is to give up, take it from a person who had a unrequited crush for 7 years ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ . Who knows maybe you like him coz he keeps rejecting you ( no offense). Widen your horizon, lot's of fish in the sea (=・ω・=)   reply
22 09,2020

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