I've read a lot of Chinese shoujo and stuff like that and a lot of people say that chinese manhwa/mangas really bad and I agree so why is their shounen ai out of the world?!?
I don't know bro, it's just really weird. The shoujo shit they put out is always like SAO 2 but even more boring. But the BL they put out is somewhat decent or decent in general. But it's probably because a lot of shoujo manhua creators include a lot of fanservice. reply
another commentator pretty much pointed out all of the things i was gonna say. Im still honestly surprised shounen ai is still allowed, this from a country thats banned archiveofourown.org after some anti shippers petition it to be taken down. reply
In general, because of government censorship,a lot of published material needs to meet certain criteria in order to be published. Publishing companies edit work before publishing to ensure their authors' work won't get the company in legal trouble, so that might mean following a rigid, crappy plot which is why most manhuas are so predictable and a...... reply