Most people do not know that prior to colonization Africa was one of the most lgbtq friendly and sex positive regions in the world. While gays were being hanged or burned alive on sticks in Europe women were marrying women in the Kamba tribe of present day Kenya and the Igbos of Nigeria. Ashanti kingdom of Ghana and the Hausa kingdom of present day Northern Nigeria allowed for effeminate men (called yan daudu) to marry men. Intersex people were given a new identity in different cultures or were allowed to identify in whatever way they wanted.
Enter the Europeans. After the conquer of Africa they imposed their conservative religious beliefs, introducing homophobia to African societies to “civilize” them. They criminalized lgbtq practices in their African colonies. 100 years later they turn around and then call the Africans homophobic and savage while patting themselves on the back for doing something that the Africans were already doing for centuries before they arrived.