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.... there are stories about everyone whose eve been in any type of relationship.... just don’t read the creepy ones... don’t be a special snowflake about something because you see one fucked weirdo or one bad fucked story out of all of them..... I mean for some they aren’t wrong but they shouldn’t openly hate people for liking Yaoi just be......   3 reply
16 09,2020
Listen up y'all! I don't care whatever the fuck gets your rocks off. What makes you happy does not matter to me or anyone. Just.. don't objectify gay men, is that too much to ask? Sincerely, a gay guy.   1 reply
16 09,2020
hi, im a gay man, in response to this; stfu. Yaoi is literally porn, why are you and your buddies concerned with fap material, sounds pretty pervy to me   3 reply
16 09,2020
I think it's not the genre itself that fetishizes gay relationships, but some people that read BL. Some just can't set a line between fiction and reality and project their fanatsies onto other people, making the target feel uncomfortable, which is completely understandable. Hell, I, a (probably) straight, cis woman, feel icky and second hand embarr......   1 reply
16 09,2020
I'm a gay man and read YAOI because it's about men. I don't really understand why so many straight women are into YAOI but opposed to gay men in real life, I've met a lot of those women and don't get it. Yes, I do think YAOI fetishises MLM but at the same time, it's hard to find a lot of fiction that shows MLM, which is why I read it. Does that mak......   4 reply
16 09,2020
Straight dude here: Girls (or anyone else for that matter), get off to whatever you want. Want to read yaoi? Noice. Want to imagine two dudes in bed? Also noice. Just keep it for yourself. Really simple. Your thoughts are yours alone and as long as you are not hurting anybody with it, do the dance with no pants! To put it simple: Masturbating over ......   1 reply
16 09,2020
Not y'all defending a genre that was literally created by cishets using mlm people as nothing more than props in order to talk about the problems of cishets while completely disregarding the struggles of the people they were shoe-horning their own problems into...   1 reply
16 09,2020
Honestly I read everything. Yaoi, Yuri, weird gender bender- I just like the story or art. But I do see those weird straight women who are uncomfortable with actual gays but loooove LOVE yaoi for sex every 2 seconds. I think its forever just gonna be a mystery. (⌒▽⌒)   1 reply
16 09,2020
Its no the "yaoi" genre per se, its the toxic fans. Yaoi is just literary, a media. If you have to blame someone for making some of the LGBTQ uncomfortable, blame it on the people who cant differentiate fiction and non fiction. Because, I too, will be uncomfortable if I tell somebody that I have a girlfriend and they screech "OHMYGOOOOD YURI!!" t......   2 reply
16 09,2020
I read yaoi and I have gay friends. We actually became friends because I talked to them about the yaoi that I read and thats when he came out to me as gay. I told him that I'd apologize if I made him uncomfortable talking about yaoi but he said that he actually felt valid and felt comfortable around me because Im open about gay relationships. I rea......   reply
16 09,2020

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