Annoying siblings
So I have brother he really annoying and really like to expose someone privacy, he like to see my chat with other ppl, and he ever read my chat in group ( Line BL group) and he scold me for liking that, he says it was a sin for supporting lgbtq+
And he reallllllly hate banana fish when it first come out and told me how really bad that anime was, and I download the anime and it was really good, then he found out that I watch it ,and told my mother that I watch "gay anime", my mother just silent, and I was beside him, he really proud of himself, I really want to choke him with a dildo, and every time he heard lgbtq in TV he want to know my opinion abt them, press f to choke him :)
Omg I totally feel you! I too have this annoying little sister of mine and as much as I love her, she really gets on my nerve sometimes. Her attitude and mindset really pisses me off. According to her, hating 'girly' stuff, saying that make up is gross and lame and liking black coffee somehow makes her a lot 'cooler'. She thinks that hiding her lon......
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14 09,2020