wanna see my pussy? ;)
Humanity is the plaything of forces greater than individual men. The passage of time, the changing ideals of nations, gradual shifts in values and ethics...They are helpless before these, and when such storms blow over man, they are knocked into the cracks and lost, unable to free themselves.
The truth is ever easily suppressed, and people will happily accept anything they wish to be true in its place. That is mankind's weakness. That is their sin. How helpless they are without the backing of nations...How vulnerable they become once you strip them of all their luxuries... All they've locked away in their delusions will be dragged before their eyes, raw and exposed. And they will witness.
As long as we continue to delude ourselves, to believe our world is always just and good, mankind will repeat its mistakes forever. More tragedies will happen. Who knows how many? So many will bleed their lives out on the arms of those they care for.
The title and the body part match perfectly
13 09,2020
Are you Emo?
(and yes I wanna see your pussy)
13 09,2020
Whoa there, young conspiracy theorist. No need to type a full page essay.
16 09,2020
i mean... if we're talking bout the title...
1 reply
13 09,2020
I came here for the pu$$y my brain can’t comprehend this
16 09,2020
Who else came here for a good pussy pic jk
1 reply
13 09,2020
see this is why i have trust issues
13 09,2020