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When you walk into a group of people and they stop talking and you can feel the atmosphere die because you're there.   2 reply
07 09,2020
[DELETED] 07 09,2020
Being left on read and wondering if you said something wrong or if you're just that fucking boring.   1 reply
07 09,2020
07 09,2020
When you're talking about something you like but then you realize that nobody is paying attention.   reply
07 09,2020
28 09,2020
when your texting someone and they make it seem like you did something bitchy, and end up leaving you on read when you're completely unaware of what you did. so you're just sitting there contemplating on life until they text you just to start an argument that lasts for like 2 hours, and you actually get pissed off until they inform you that it's al......   1 reply
28 09,2020
07 09,2020
When you forget to take out the chicken of the freezer   2 reply
07 09,2020
07 09,2020
Thinking someone said something to u so u answer back but they were talking to someone else damn man that always hurts   reply
07 09,2020
07 09,2020
When my friend said, "You know there are many mistakes in the world?" I said "Yea" She starts rubbing an eraser on me (/TДT)/ you have to get this...   reply
07 09,2020
28 09,2020
When people go visibly quieter/less interested when you start talking but don't say anything against you. It's like "Damn, okay, guess i'll leave. Keep talking bout whatever you were."   reply
28 09,2020
07 09,2020
When you think so deep into something that someone said to you and they say it was just a joke- bitc--   reply
07 09,2020
07 09,2020
when someone has no eraser left on the end of a pencil and they use the metal part to scratch the paper. my teeth hurts just thinking about it lol ( ̄∇ ̄")   1 reply
07 09,2020

turn into a guy

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