What is friend?

gtopisreal gtopisreal 2020-09-04 14:32:38 About made true friends
I don't have a friend. I have acquaintances but not a friend that you can talk and rely on. I had friends more than 5 years ago, we all grew up and grew apart. Yeah, I have 'friends' on Twitter but it's not like we know each other, we just had the same taste of music or part of a fandom but friends? I dunno. I got used to being alone, talking about life to a stranger than move on. I wish I had one person that I can call a friend.


Moon November 6, 2020 6:25 am

i was also a part of a fandom, but i met some amazing people on there. i wouldn’t say that we are THAT close, they’re not my true friends but we’ve been talking for over a year and i’m content with that. i think with luck and time, you might be able to build some meaningful relationships on the internet. i’m not sure if twitter is the best place for it, though. instagram is better, but you need to have a platform on it in order to communicate with your followers and make friends :)

rwbbie021 September 4, 2020 5:00 pm

same, i haven't had any meaningful relationships for the past 3 years, and as i grow older i find it hard to make relationships with other people, especially when you're not in environments like schools or workplaces where people are forced to have relationships with other people.


made true friends

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