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Never had a mother, so idk what those are, ok I'll see myself out.   1 reply
03 09,2020
it's my mom remarrying 2 months after my dad died for me   1 reply
03 09,2020
JASPER 03 09,2020
my mother abandoned me so yes   1 reply
03 09,2020
03 09,2020
what mom?   reply
03 09,2020
Mommy issues, daddy issues whatever it is u name it I probably have it. My mom would pray that her kids would die when shes mad and my dad would threaten to kill the whole family when hes high. Enough said. i act like idc but like lets be honest ill start thinking abt it later and it’ll get to me. And i dont think my parents r aware of the trauma......   reply
03 09,2020
No not really it is just that two weeks ago, after i told d my mom about my attempts. She had the audacity to say that i was over reacting, and then when i continue to cry because i am clearly hurt and am having a panic attack a brakedown , and i keep mumbuling to myself to just kill myself. Then goes on to kick me to the ground spit on me and t......   1 reply
03 09,2020
myrtle 03 09,2020
im doing in school learning rn and my principal emailed my parents acknowledging that i "wasn't social distancing" which led to my mom calling me a disappointment, completely lashing out at me, and taking my phone and laptop my mom is incredibly unstable, bipolar, and emotionally abusive and i really think she needs to go back to therapy but thats ......   reply
03 09,2020
its the my mom doesnt give a shit about me for me and the oh honey you should slim down for me LIKE BISH   1 reply
03 09,2020
Well I have never really thought about it until now but i'm pretty sure my parents used to abuse me and my sister. My parents are black so discipline was always physical (sometimes mental now that I think about it) so I thought that every black child got beat everyday when their parents came home. My dad used to grab me and my sister by our feet, h......   1 reply
03 09,2020
Taku~ 03 09,2020
she expects me to be perfect- god damn she be criticizing me everyday for the littlest things   reply
03 09,2020

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