PSA: A lot...
Pretty sure we all know why I'm making this, so let's just get this over with. You ready? No? Good, me neither.
Bullshit like "wishing" you could be a guy "just to be gay", or looking at every fucking guy you meet and trying to figure out if he's a top or a bottom as if it remotely fucking matters (and forgetting switches exist), or shipping ANY real life people together, whether they be celebrities or your friends or two random people on the street... the "what kind of gay guy would you be" and "seme/uke" questions... All of it is fucking disgusting, as are the shitty people who post them and answer them as if these things are perfectly okay.
We should have all been on the same page with this YEARS ago. There is no excuse for still thinking these things are acceptable. Fetishizing and objectifying mlm people is NEVER okay in ANY situation, including on this site. Nor is this site some sort of "safe haven" for you to be problematic on and spew your bullshit without anyone calling you out on it.
If you do these things or don't see an issue with them, YOU are fucking disgusting, YOU are a problem, and YOU need to drill it into your thick empty fucking head that you need to fucking fix yourself and stop doing and condoning shit like this.
This isn't fucking rocket science. It's not complicated. It's not difficult to understand. The fact that some of y'all have yet to figure this out is fucking ridiculous.
I agree totally with you honestly, I always keep saying this nicely and they just don't understand. Someone even said that celebrities asked for it by putting themselves in the public eye.
I keep seeing people in Kpop variety shows that I watch shipping members together and When I watched Thai dramas that have characters that have played a gay cha......
02 09,2020