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Not to be rude or anything but how old is she? But yeah I still think that you should cut them out, don't associate with toxic people lol specially when they're affecting your mental or/and physical health. atleast talk it out tho, for closure or whatnot so you won't be awake at night thinking wether it's your fault or not lmao   1 reply
02 09,2020
I’m sorry that she was so awful to you and yes I had many toxic friends the first one I tried to help one of my other friends cause this toxic friend called my other friend a brat then tried to blame it on me and then yeah that friend I was trying to save spent the rest of the time with a toxic friend. I’m actually proud about the way i handled......   1 reply
02 09,2020
I dunno if my friend is toxic cuz last week i read “how to stay away from toxic ppl” and there was a sentence that describing a toxic ppl and depressive ppls differences. So i don’t know anymore if she is toxic but sometimes she makes me hate myself. But she is depressive too... i can’t get out her of my life cuz she can suicide. It’s har......   1 reply
02 09,2020

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