On the proper ways of commenting

Matty Matty 2020-08-25 15:06:26 About hate myself
I have experience here in mangago where in my comments after reading a manga someone is hating on me. What did I do? I just said I really liked the manhua but mispelled manhwa (it's korean so it should've been manhwa) and I was called disrespectful. And someone really hated me for commenting that the character must've been traumatized due to his experience (it was yaoi and he was raped) and the person just downright debated with me that I'm insensitive and a lotta stuff I wish I wasn't called. I did try to be polite in replying but they just went on and on until I deleted my comment just so it would stop. Gosh darned maybe because I was getting away with reading free here. Or maybe I should just ignore it? Is there some unwritten rule in commenting that I didn't know? Or am I just annoying? I dunno I say the most common comments like I really like this and that but then I suddenly seem to annoy someone. I dunno anymore.

Edit: Thanks for all the replies and words of wisdom


Tallglassofwater August 26, 2020 2:16 pm

Those types of people just want attention, so don't give them the recognition that want. Ignore them and just leave them to their own clownery God those people are so annoying

lolllll August 26, 2020 4:36 am

yo what thats bs
mawha and manhua, dud when i started reading manga idek that there was Chinese, Korean, and Japanese manga
no dont take it to heart, literally idek y there are toxic weebs, for some reason they feel better when the have more "knowledge" in manga
ughh those ppl rly piss me off, we're just here to have a fun time and enjoy the content
also lmao I just comment whatever, I dont try to spoil, but if I do, I always put a warning (but tbh if the series completed on this site, Imma say what I think about the ending)
idk Ive used this site for like 6/7 years n the one thing I loved was the comments, they're literally so fuking relatable and funny
ofc there are ppl who are shet heads, but yea

the point is u made a minor error, not even ur fault, and something that u shouldn't at all feel guilty about, the people who complain r the toxic ones
I feel like correction is okay, but when their correction makes u feel like she just disregard it aight haha

the only people who are guilty are those giving spoilers without warning or fake spoilers in order to promote another character

also ur entitled to ur own opinion even if it goes against social norms, haha I'm sry but the comment section is an awesome place and I dont think u should miss out on it due to this incident
anwyays whatever u choose to do good luck, and dont beat urself up about this
literally not ur fault at all

marian-hime August 25, 2020 3:43 pm

Maaan that's awfull and I dont think you did anything wrong. I guess I have never had a comment like that in here, but I've seen something similar happen in anime sites were people are just being petty cos of the simpliest things, and I've always thought that they must have a really unfullfiling life to need to get to the internet and just take their frustrations out...
Then again, I do belive in debating, Im not the type to just take their words and cry in a corner, but that is only an option if both parties are being polite and using valid arguments

Anonymous August 25, 2020 3:18 pm

If you said the person must have been traumatised, you were absolutely right and simply misspelling something doesn't warrant being hated on. Whoever responded to you is in the wrong, you can comment as much you want and nothing was wrong with what you said.

Cestelle August 25, 2020 3:17 pm

No, you didn't do anything wrong. It's not your problem that people have a huge stick up their ass about calling manhwa anything besides manhwa, on accident or otherwise. And the many, many rape defenders on this site are just fucking insane.

Taku~ August 25, 2020 3:11 pm

to me that sounds kind of petty to go and bash someone for a minor mistake i-

Matty August 25, 2020 3:14 pm

I know man. I just wanna read manga/manhua/manhwa in peace and maybe share opinion after. But I get so sad (am pretty sensitive) I see notifs of replies that I somehow did something wrong. Haha just wanted to know if I am being rude or annoying at some point.

Lamimigirl August 25, 2020 3:16 pm
I know man. I just wanna read manga/manhua/manhwa in peace and maybe share opinion after. But I get so sad (am pretty sensitive) I see notifs of replies that I somehow did something wrong. Haha just wanted to k... Matty

Yo is it the comment on black mirror?

Matty August 25, 2020 3:17 pm
Yo is it the comment on black mirror? Lamimigirl

Yap. Am I being overly sensitive about this?

Mystical_panda August 25, 2020 3:18 pm
Yap. Am I being overly sensitive about this? Matty

Nope not at all. Also ignore such comments!

Cestelle August 25, 2020 3:22 pm
Yap. Am I being overly sensitive about this? Matty

People will literally take the fact that you yourself think you're sensitive and use it to try and invalidate your concerns and issues about things on this site, so it's probably best that you don't openly say that.

Cestelle August 25, 2020 3:22 pm
People will literally take the fact that you yourself think you're sensitive and use it to try and invalidate your concerns and issues about things on this site, so it's probably best that you don't openly say ... Cestelle

And no, you're not being overly sensitive at all.

Matty August 25, 2020 3:26 pm
People will literally take the fact that you yourself think you're sensitive and use it to try and invalidate your concerns and issues about things on this site, so it's probably best that you don't openly say ... Cestelle

Ooh you're absolutely right. But I am lessening my comments now. Unless I saw something funny and just had to share the laughs (⌒▽⌒)

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