Hear me out y’all. I’ve been looking for femdom for probably six or seven years at this point and I’ve found literally nothing. Of course there is certainly some femdom available, but for the most part it’s garbage.
Most of the femdom is just straight up nonconsensual because the woman forces her sexual fantasies onto the man when he obviously doesn’t like them. It would probably work out if she just slowly eased him into it, but she doesn’t.
Then there’s the she just wishes she was a dude and she pegs him and that’s the extent of the “femdom”. Like there’s a difference between being the top and being the dom.
A lot of femdom is also this girl is sPecIal and UNiqUe. Look how she’s a strong independent women who doesn’t bow down to anyone in the bedroom either. Most of it feels like a middle schooler wrote it seriously.
All of those things would be okay if there was actual good femdom somewhere, but there isn’t. I just want femdom where they don’t have any extreme kinks or whatever and have nice romantic sex. For some reason if it’s femdom it has to be really kinky and not romantic at all.
Then just because she’s the dom she can get away with being a bitch or a piece of shit. Like what? Nobody ever even mentions that she’s conceited or anything and everyone just says “you go girl! What a strong independent woman!” And if I said she’s a bitch everyone will just say I’m the bitch.
In case anyone wants to come for me I’m a woman who just wants more variety and better writing in femdom stories. I don’t mind pegging or more extreme kinks and I actually really like kinky smut, but sometimes you want something more loving and vanilla, you know? I don’t expect anyone to be able to do anything about this I just wanted to get this out there for now.
You are speaking facts
19 03,2021
Also , i noticed how every single femdom is into harem. Like come on! Can't we have a fem dom who's loyal to only one person? Why are all of them horndog? It's so irritating
1 reply
19 03,2021
I hear you! I have the same frustrations, so I've been slowly stockpiling femdom (and femdom-adjacent) fanfics on Ao3. The only trouble with fanfiction is that, if you aren't familiar with the fandom from which a fic was spawned, you have to put in considerable work to acquaint yourself with their source material—books, films, TV, games, whatever......
19 03,2021
Would you be interested in lesbian erotica? Because yeah manga doesn't seem to be getting anywhere in the femdom category but there are some pretty interesting female pov stories out there.
1 reply
23 08,2020
you might like The Sensual M?
1 reply
23 08,2020