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If you asked me that a few years ago I would have said gay guys because then I could be certain that I'd never be used or pressured into anything (being a woman). Now, I'd say... Someone determind (they'd have to be, I don't trust easily) Someone perceptive ( They're going to have to be able to see through my bs or it would never work) Someone pa......   reply
23 08,2020
Well i would have had an ideal type only if i wanted to look at real people. But you can ask my ideal type among fictional guys   reply
24 08,2020
my ideal type is jiwon sunbae and li huan   1 reply
24 08,2020
ahh my ideal type.. I'm not too picky and don't care how my partner acts too much, but I'd love somebody who's fluffy and just like,, very lovely. Lovely doesn't mean like delicate or feminine or something, it's just like.. Be nice to me, don't leave, and I'd agree to date and try it out. I really just want someone who'd be willing to cuddle and ......   reply
23 08,2020
My type are man who know what they want, can be domineering and can be gentle as well. Or women, who are feminine and want to be spoiled in bad.   reply
23 08,2020

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