Is it just me or the people that say "I'm 12" or "I'm 9 and I read yoai, is that weird?" Are just looking for somewhere to show off their age. I hope that makes sense. Like we both know that they aren't going to stop if someone says yes. And we both know they don't seriously feel "guilty" for reading/ watching yoai at a young age. I get the vibes that what they really want to say instead of "I'm 9 and I watch yoai, am I too young " is "lOoK aT Me. iM 9 aND i DoNt seRiOUslY cAre tHaT I'm 9 AnD rEad yAoI, buT LoOk aT Me I'm sOoOoO yOUng"
Lol I don’t go round shouting oH LoOk At mE I’m BlaH YeARs OLd AnD rEaD YaOI like I ain’t here to show off my age I’m here to read manga the ones who do flaunt their young age are just confusing like meme time p.s. no disrespect. 1 reply