What’s your favorite dere and what dere type are you?
https://www.quotev.com/quiz/10544143/Which-Dere-are-you-Realistichere’s the dere test, it comes with pretty much all of the deres i think and it’s not cringeworthy.
If you don’t know what “deres” are, they’re kinda like personality types commonly found in anime. You can search up a dere type chart if you need one for reference.
My favorites dere type has to be kamidere or himedere honestly. I’m such a sucker for god complexes and egoistic characters like
i prefer cocky characters x1000 more than the basic “dense and loud” or the “naïve and puppy” mc.
like i love speedracer man. like he isn’t your basic kamidere but the fact he literally got motivated to win a race after being told a child would possibly die if he did-
and when another racer got chucked head first in lava and dies, he casually goes “oh that’s the end of him” LIKEWHATWJWIS, SPEED CHILLOUT SJWMAOAMSOSMWLW,S
oh and i got shundere on the test.
I-i'm a yandere....but all my crushes are anime characters, how tf am I supposed to kill anime characters??
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19 08,2020