How to handle passive aggression
I've got a friend that I've known for quite a while. We're bordering on 3 years and he's gotten better at handling conflict with me over time. But when he's stressed or under negative motions. IT FUCKING SEEPS EVERYWHERE AND I HATE THAT SHIT.
Like it you're gonna be aggressive, go out and be open about it so I can slap the consequences into our conversation. Being passive is the same to me.
So I let him know. I let him know briefly in the moment that he can't push those feelings onto me when I'm doing nothing wrong and it doesn't create a good environment.
And sure he'll explain that it's work or the reason at the time, but IT. DOESN'T. STOP. like I'd say passive aggressiveness is in their personality, in their habits.
Like don't be out here with your side eyes, one line answers, silent treatment, UNNECESSARY PERIODS BC BITCH WE KNOW YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT PUNCTUATION, and what do I do about this?
Sitting him down and letting him know if the best option also most explosive of course but I'm beginning to wonder if nothing much has changed in terms of this specific attitude from him.
And if I sit him down, it won't just go away and I'll have to remind him and that'll annoy him too
I say talk to them about how uncomfy you are about it. If they are set in their ways, just give them space when they are in their moods, and let them know that if they want your help they can reach out to you.
3 reply
18 08,2020