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I don't think i have ever experienced it. I have dated a boyfriend and it's fun everyday. But i don't think i'm in love with him. I have heard my friends love story and what she felt but i just can't believe love exist. I want to experienced it too ;-; well, i love my family, though. But it's different, right? Sorry for my bad english ╮( ̄▽�......   reply
07 03,2017
I've been in love before, but I haven't fallen for anyone since then. I've gotten close to it, but then I thought that dating shouldn't matter at all at this point of my life. We dated for a long while, for a little more than a year. Our relationship ended due to him ending his own life. By that I meant that he committed suicide. I was depressed fo......   2 reply
07 03,2017
Love is a rare piece of jewellery That can't be explained scientifically and sometimes hard emotionally   reply
08 03,2017
lolcat 13 03,2017
I've been in love, yes. But the boy I liked was scared of me, and so he pretty much avoided me. At the end of the school year he left for another place, so, yeah... The second time I fell in love was when a year later, I had a crush on this guy, but he never noticed me, because he liked someone else, but I didn't really care. To me, it feels as i......   1 reply
13 03,2017
13 03,2017
To put it bluntly, no. I've never been in love. I've only been interested (Really interested) in a few people and may have come to like them, but that's it. My like for them never ascends to love. I really don't know why. Maybe that's just the way I am, or maybe I just haven't met the one yet. That special person that just rocks your world. And I......   reply
13 03,2017
04 03,2017
I've never been in love either. I'm hoping that I do though because I don't want to live my life alone.   reply
04 03,2017
Have I been in love? Yes and No. How to you define love? I've certainly been attracted both emotionally and physically to people. And sometimes they've felt the same way. But... I must say, I knew someone who loved me. A pure, innocent, caring, lasting love. I knew I was that person's main reason for living, and I, without knowing back then, influe......   2 reply
08 03,2017
Cerra 09 03,2017
I'm not sure if what I experienced is considered being in love. Firstly, I've never had a boyfriend before but I acted as a girlfriend in a 15-20 minute sketch in a theatre during my pre-u. I practiced my lines and 'acting girly' with my 'stage boyfriend' regularly (the director told that I'm too 'rough' , I always thought I was girly enough l......   reply
09 03,2017
29 03,2017
Being in love is the best/worst thing ever. For me, it's being extremely anxious and neurotic (I have slight OCD and ADD, so I can get a bit mental). I get worried about what I'll say to him the next time I see him, I'm paranoid that he won't even like me as a friend. But... the moment we're together in person, that neurotic part of my brain shuts......   1 reply
29 03,2017
Sadly, i also do not know how the feeling to be in love. I always wonder how it's feel and often asking my friend about it.And her answer is "You will feel it later" with annoying face. Sorry,if this doesn't help at all. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶   2 reply
09 03,2017

first kiss

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