not extreme like the others
umm mines nowhere close as to how extreme some others are. but there was this dude in my class i was grade 5, he was in grade 6. (btw this was 4-5 years ago). anyways its not like obsession or whatever, we both acted like we hated eachother, it was kinda like a 'i acknowledge you but i hate you for no apparent reason'. turns out we both had a crush on eachother lmao. he never told me, one of his freinds told me at the end of the fucking year when he was gonna leave school. and i never told anyone my crushes back then so yeah. i thought it was just weird how we both "hated" eachother but liked eachother at the same time.
yeah. tbh that was probably my last crush. i just couldnt be bothered liking people after that.
I'm having a love-hate manga vibes