Suicidal thoughts

Kllleoooo Kllleoooo 2020-08-15 20:15:46 About insomnia thoughts
I attempted suicide but failed so I always think that "What if I really did died back then will people be sad?will they mourn for me?" Because when my friends knew that I cut and overdosed myself they didn't care they didn't asked whats wrong with me and why I did that they just made fun of me . What always gets me is that I have this one friend at school that cried for me while I was in the clinic (because I overdosed myself in school) saying that she dosen't want me to leave her but after that she and my friends at school are saying mean things to me and laughed at me, calling me names and stuff. So I always think that if I really died back then will they be guilty for saying mean things to me? Will my parents be guilty for calling my depression bullshit and just seeking attention?


Nunyabidness_650 August 15, 2020 9:15 pm

It pisses me off that you’re going through all of this but I just want to tell you that you’re not alone. Although the people around you cannot appreciate nor support you, I promise you that if you persevere through these turbulent times that you will find the support and community you deserve. I suggest that you drop your friends and take some time to work on yourself. Keep in mind that you do NOT owe them anything. I obviously don’t know you personally but you sound like such a caring person. You might think right now that you are undeserving of life and love but I can assure you that you deserve all of that and more! You are important and a beautiful soul! Don’t ever let anyone tell you any different. From now on just keep in mind that the two other people who responded before me and I care about you! If you ever come close to making such a permanent decision like taking your life again, just know that I for one will be truly devastated because I could not prevent the loss of someone as important as you. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL AND NECESSARY! Don’t downplay your worth bby! We will get through this together!

imastealyaspot August 15, 2020 9:13 pm

Hey um.. I just felt the need to respond to this but I don't really know what to say so I'm just gonna try to say a few things. When you attempted suicide maybe there was a good reason to why you failed. Instead of thinking about negative stuff like who would care, what's wrong with me,etc..Maybe you can try to think about how this could be a blessing in disguise (sorry if this came off weird). Things don't always stay bad, wherever there is darkness there is always a light somewhere close. There is nothing wrong with you, we all see and act in different ways that doesn't make us weird it makes us stronger. We all have a purpose, sometimes it just takes a little longer for some of us to find it. I hope you can try to find enough strength in your heart to keep on pushing towards the light. And when you do I hope you can use your experience to help. The world needs people like you who know what it feels like to be in the dark so that they can help others get out of the dark too. I knew this girl, Harley, a couple years ago who was constantly being abused my her mom, bullied at school, and would have fresh cuts on her arm daily. I don't really know the full story but I just know after a while her dad got custody of her and her sister and they moved to Georgia. I also heard from someone who was kinda close to her that she was doing pretty well. Just one thing, I don't understand why your parents think you are doing this for attention. You are cutting yourself and even to the point where you want to die. That's not attention seeking thats a loud cry for help. As for your friends and school life maybe you could use the situation that the world is in to take some time for yourself while quarantining. Even though I understand it may be kinda hard to because of the constant negative things going around the world lately. But it's really not about the world and everything around you, its about you this time.

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Hisokas.bitch August 15, 2020 8:35 pm

if we're all being honest, your friends are fake. i am so sorry for having to go through that, and i hope you're doing better now. i think the friend that cried for you acc cares for you, but acted fake in front of the others because they wanted to fit in (which doesn't justify what they did, they still did smth fucked up, but i think thats what happened) i think your friends would probably feel like they are the lowest of the lowest pieces of shit, bc they joked abt your issues, thinking it probably was fake. and your parents too, since they brushed it off as "teenage phases" and "attention seeking".they're gonna feel like shit knowing their child was acc going through problems. i'm really sorry you had to go through that, it sucks having ppl not believe you and instead think you're doing shit for attention. i might just be a random stranger but i want you to know that your problems matter. they aren't invalid, no matter how small or big a deal they are. i will be sad if you were to attempt that again, because i care bro. i hope you find friends who actually care for you. i love you! you matter! and i'm here if you ever need a friend :)

Starsandmetaphors August 15, 2020 8:33 pm

I'm so sorry that you're going through so much. I know I'm just a stranger to you, but I want to say this anyway: those 'friends' aren't really friends. Real friends care about your well-being. Real friends don't talk shit about you behind your back. My heart hurts that even your family isn't there for you. I can only ask you to keep on living, to try and survive, because you deserve to live! You deserve to live and find people who DO care. You deserve to experience the beautiful things in life; you do not deserve to suffer. You do not deserve to die. As long as you're alive, there's the possibility that you'll find people who will love and cherish you. Please know that even though I am a stranger, I know what it's like to deal with depression and I care about you. I care about you and that's why I responded to your comment.


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