I don’t know if anyone will see this but whatever. I have been pretty depressed since about September. I have lost interest in thing I used to love because they were too much effort. I struggle to get up everyday, because it just seems pointless. I find that I have a very short temper and small things make me angry. It took me a while (until about a month ago) to recognize what was going on, and people always say that recognizing your problems is the first step to fixing them. But it got really bad two moths ago, I was staying with my mom at the time and I was on a erratic schedule where I wouldn’t sleep for three days straight then I would sleep for 18 hours. My mom called me lazy, got frustrated that I wasn’t awake to do things. I want to get help but I don’t know how to tell her. I feel like if I tell her she will feel like she failed somehow, and she is already really stressed lately. Anyone who has some wisdom is welcome to answer.