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• Eve - Literary Nonsense • Hello Sleepwalkers - Shinwa Houkai • SPYAIR - Genjou Destruction • King Gnu - Hakujitsu • Niru Kajitsu - Kilmaa • Niru Kajitsu - A Mistaken Belief of Love • UVERworld - Gekidou • TUYU - To bask in the rain • Orangestar - Asu no Yozora Shoukaihan (Afterglow) My taste is all Japanese. Even if I didn't b......   1 reply
14 08,2020
Rivers and Rodas by The Head and The Heart Prayer X by Nordex Make it easy on yourself by the walker brothers Spanish eyes by Al Martino Jesus of Suburbia by green day I have tons. My songs range from heavy metal to classical Italian to blues   reply
13 08,2020
13 08,2020
I'm into digital daggers and aviva   1 reply
13 08,2020
We onlu listen to cumzone in this house   reply
14 08,2020
im in love with lana del rey   reply
14 08,2020
Dusk till dawn,infinity,Mr. Lover man,playdate,Gasolina,Becky,vibe,I like him,cannibal,such a white,fake love, Bromance, good morning Tokyo, etc.   2 reply
14 08,2020

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