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25 02,2017
I'm not really sure about what you are asking. Is it weird to be uncomfortable? no. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I personally just skip the uncomfortable and go into the annoyed stage where I silently get pissed off and never say anything about it. It sucks you had to meet someone with a shit enough personality to call you a bitch, I'm sorry for that. If yo......   reply
25 02,2017
Poison Apple
11 06,2017
Ummm. That's life. People drift apart. At least that's what people say. Look, people have different interests, sometimes you find people with shared interests and that rocks. Or you don't. If you only got along because you always happened to like the same things, you didn't actually get along. You just liked the same things, not each other. Most ......   reply
11 06,2017
02 08,2017
Don't worry what other people say if they're being ignorant like that. You'll meet someone better anyways and it's okay to feel uncomfortable I think you should speak up for your opinions...   reply
02 08,2017
Bloody Sparrow 10 06,2017
Any kind of obsession is unhealthy. At first you think it's harmless, you are not endangering anyone's life or yours, but then it kinda makes you blind and you start making bad decisions. I guess lot of ppl are wondering what I'm talking about, but it's true. You kinda lose good friends because either you think because you don't have same opinions ......   reply
10 06,2017
10 06,2017
I don't really have any advice to give you, sorry to hear that you lost a friend, but people change and that's life. Me and my friends are into many different things, like I'm into yaoi, some are into marvel, sports, knives, animes, homestuck etc. And that's fine. I like to listen to my friends talk about the things they like, although I understand......   2 reply
10 06,2017
Skylar.Cross 15 03,2017
Seems like that "ex closest friend" of yours, was absolute sh*t. If she cuts you off for a reason as stupid as that, then she did you a favor by removing herself from your life. You just gotta start up from scratch, thankfully your new friend seems more sensible. Go out, make new friends, and if anyone that toxic comes back into your life, show the......   reply
15 03,2017