So when I was in HS, my friends and I have crush on the same boy and he was our classmate but we didn't literally want to be in relationship with him, we just idolized him because his quite a gentleman and he gave us a mysterious vibes.
So when we were at our friend's house I was laying in sofa reading yaoi and yes Im quite daring reading that and then that guy saw that I was reading yaoi and he teases me about it but not in a bad way tho, so i learned that he also likes to read manga/webtoon. Thats why we started to chat and recommend manga/webtoons to each other like martial arts or action stories, and thats why i also started to flirt with him like examples of our chat, when I post stories in IG, he asked where am I going, and my answer is "Im going to your be ready" and also when he was out of town so i asked him if he brings me a souvenir like food and he replied "me" like hes saying my souvenir is him and sh*t he also flirts back and thats why i have a feeling that he also likes me back, but i didnt continue like confessing because i got scared what if he really didnt like me. So time passes by we stop talking to each other, also i move to another city and transfer school. My hs classmates revived our group chat, and we said that we missed each other and the school, during on our conversation one of my friends who also have a crush on that boy started to flirt with him in the group chat and of course i join in because i loved teasing him, and that moment i realized what if i confess to him like im not scared anymore like i cant do it now but during our teasing one of my classmate told us that our crush just posted a story on ig a picture of his girlfriend like hes telling us he has a lover now and that sh*ts hurt, like that should be me but its okey its my fault in the first place i didnt confess right away, but i need an excuse so that we dont look like we got rejected in the chat so i said to him "haha jokes on you we don't really like you but your girlfriend we just waited you to post so we have a free pic of your girlfriend, we have a crush on your girlfriend not you" and all of my classmates laugh.
So if you have feeling that he/she also likes you just confess because you will regret it if you don't
