I'm glad you didn't. Because obviously those are the people in the priority list going to hell.. Nicholas Hale
I would never do those things What I meant is because my family is super religionists, that they believe that I'm nice and such but I can be such a devil.
I would never do those thingsWhat I meant is because my family is super religionists, that they believe that I'm nice and such but I can be such a devil. Yuki Asena
I have so many sins that I'm the top on Satans list of people that's going to hell
You must have committed mass murder. Or you must have tortured people. Or you must have raped a child?
Nope none of these
I'm glad you didn't. Because obviously those are the people in the priority list going to hell..
I would never do those things
What I meant is because my family is super religionists, that they believe that I'm nice and such but I can be such a devil.
Oh ok, I see.. :)