the trolls on mangago
In all honesty, as much as we make fun of the trolls were clowns ourselves taking the bait. I Think we all know the stuff they say is stupid, like
"AcTuAlLy GuYs, PoOp iS a GoOd AltErNaTiVE tO bReAsTmIlK." But actually calling them stupid is much more fun, and looking at other peoples replys. The point I'm trying to make is honestly if we didn't have them mangago would be as bad as twitter, Always finding a new way to get mad at someone. Sadly, they are part of mangago and are really what keeps things interesting.
THAT DON'T MEAN I SUPPORT THE SHIT THEY SAY THEY STILL DUMBASSES, but don't tell me its not fun to look at everyones reaction to a weird question. The people on this site are funny.
Hope I didn't piss anyone off, although this is the internet so...
Yeah tbh if the trolls left then i wouldn't have all the memes i stole from u guys
11 08,2020