If you were in a five way relationship what 4 type of people would you like?
Excluding the fact you might be in one already. I'm not in one and I've never had a polyamorous relationship I've asked my friends but they didn't comply to this question. For me what it would be and the reasons why
1. *Tranvestite* - when I was younger I watched the anime princess jellyfish and maid sama with a guy who dressed as a girl. 2. *Battle scars* - I read God of high school I thought it was cool how brave they were and had the proof of it. 3. *Long hair* - I watched a lot of movie with people with long hair and read mangas/webtoons as well. 4. *Ripped*- you get the gist
Its a 10 to 5% probability for me to meet these kind but well.. there's no limit to dreaming. So as long as they have the characteristics like Suzume, the second couple from Abarenbo Honey or Sarawat of 2gether, Im all satisfied. reply