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So anyway- [Answer]
11 08,2020
Welp now we all know that just need jesus can help these ppl   reply
11 08,2020
So anyway- [Answer]
12 08,2020
yeah im just here for the yaoi   reply
12 08,2020
So anyway- [Answer]
12 08,2020
guess it was natural selection?   reply
12 08,2020
So anyway- [Answer]
12 08,2020
Well, just one thing: Diversity is the linchpin of life... Without any differences in opinions, ideas etc. life would become a prison of oneself... If something looks off to you, you can just ignore it and move on... but the other person might like it...This site has no restrictions and is an open forum which makes it even more exciting and indulg......   reply
12 08,2020
there are trolls everywhere every website has em n you cant get rid of em   2 reply
11 08,2020
So anyway- [Answer]
fingerblaster_800 12 08,2020
I'll offer you a small Technoblade (Minecraft Youtuber) while you read this. - It'd be great of everyone asked genuine questions but there's gotta be that person who was just born brain dead and another person who was born to piss some people off.   2 reply
12 08,2020
So anyway- [Answer]
Haru-chan ^_~
26 08,2020
i can't describe my situation these days and how i'm enduring this nonsense . i'm just bearing with it .   reply
26 08,2020
So anyway- [Answer]
24 08,2020
I take breaks from this site. There are days I completely forget this place exists. It works out for me because I have a ton of notifications when I get back. Do what I do and stop giving a fuck. People are going to be clowns online. Every clown needs an audience and the more that you humour them, the more people want to start their own nonsense. T......   reply
24 08,2020
So anyway- [Answer]
24 08,2020
boxers or briefs?   reply
24 08,2020
So anyway- [Answer]
so random
24 08,2020
yea.   reply
24 08,2020

adopting cats

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