Am I just useless..?

Backwaytohell Backwaytohell 2020-08-07 12:11:19 About tried to kill yourself
I'd say i thought of killing myself when I was 8 or 10 when I hated my family for bulling me and I was so sick of their fighting since I'm always in the middle of everything one. So I was just useless. i always looked in the mirror and just hated myself of every fiber of my being. I feel like a spoiled brat but I'm honestly grateful for everything. I tested drowning my self, holding my breath till I grew light-headed and cut myself once but I don't do that cause its too noticeable. Ha, I'm useless... I am not worth a penny or any kind of gratitude even if I do so much for my family and everyone. My kindness never gets recognition anyways.


B WENDY September 6, 2020 2:22 pm

Yeah if you go only the evil people gonna be in this world...its tough for the good people.. but that really shows how important we are and how much we are needed in this world.. .the devil just really trying to get rid of us...that badly

Pananaoctopus August 15, 2020 10:15 pm

Look I know exactly how u feel but killing urself isn’t the answer at least not for u ur kind and that true kindness is rare in this world I understand how it feels. U hate ur every fiber because of people constantly fighting around urself telling u that u are worthless but ur not. Everyone has a purpose lol I sound cheesy anyways if u ever wanna talk just message me if u just wanna talk to someone that feels the same that understands I’m here just message me I’ll answer as soon as possible. U aren’t alone in that feeling but u mustn’t think that u are useless because u aren’t.


tried to kill yourself

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