I wanna Fly

The only experience i could come close to this is First Flight to a relative. Airplane so yeah lol. And Riding the ferris wheel. I mean, ur like High up and all, also Zipline. Honestly, the only thrill i got was from The Ferris Wheel, when i have the chance, i'd definitely go for some Bungee-jumping and Sky Diving, Hang gliding, Flying suit - the one adapted to a type of squirrel-like with winged arms i think, forgot what it's called, someday! I've often had dreams of flying, not like being the Pilot, but like a Bird. Maybe even have Huge, Strong Powerful wings. That's like so Epic. Dreaming of yourself flying though, i think that counts? It's just, in there, it seemed so damn realistic. And i've got shivers and thrill, and adrenaline pumping and all that just from dreaming it. I mean, if you really try and put ur inner senses into it, you'll really feel like you are definitely flying. Can even feel the wind against ur skin. The sun on your back, the shadows as you pass by some high storey buildings, Awesome Landscape and all. At least, someday, i'd definitely go for Sky-Diving the most Anyways, i know maybe this ain't relatively counted as 'Experience' but i just wanted to share. That's that. Have a great day!

i wanna be able to fly

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