Why are murderers ok but rapist not?
Yes it’s another controversial subject but I don’t think this question has been asked before. No, I am not a troll I am genuinely asking for your opinion.
Disclaimer: I am not trying to justify rape or murder. I am just comparing people reaction on these matters.
A character who rapes another is almost always raising controversies and becomes hated by a part of the comment section talking about morals and all. But when it comes to murder, it seems like people are more tolerant. I don’t really get why. Rationally speaking, murder is worse than rape since the consequences of murder on a victim are pretty definitive.
Here are some exemple of murderers: Yellow dragon, the white haired guy in Psycho (Young Dream), Cain from Dear door probably killed people. Same goes for all the mafia guys in Cover up, A thousand cranes and Legs which cannot walk.
I made some hypothesis to explain this:
1/ Characters being killed are often unknown or bad characters whereas characters being raped are most of the time the ukes. So the seriousness of the act depends on the importance of the victim in the story. If that a reason for you could you explain why?
2/ Murder can be justified by various things: context (mafia, revenge…), morals of the victim, background of the abuser, mental issues, self-defense… Self-defense doesn’t really applies for rape but why are the other things used to justify murder but not rape? I mean Jihyun, Chang, Sangwoo have mental issues but it’s not an excuse for many people.
3/ Among people who can’t stand rape, there are some people who had been sexually harassed themselves so they are more likely to react differently to rapists because they trigger their personal traumatic experience.
4/ We are more used to see murder in fiction than rape. Being used to something even if it's criminal makes us more tolerant about it?
Answering the question could you please precise if you are ok with rape or/and murder in fiction and if the death penalty still applies in your country (I think it could be an indicator of how you conceive morals like is it okay to kill someone when they did something awful)
PS: Damn I never expected to do a philosophical analysis about morals from yaoi.
Mmmm I am not trying to prove anything and I know that both are objectively wrong but my question is comparative so you're missing the point. I am just wondering why people tend to tolerate murder more than rape. Rapists are more hated than murderers in general in fiction and I am asking why since both are so wrong. And just saying but don't take my original post too personally I am not targeting anyone
"You have to expect fucked up shit"
This statement right here just proves that murder and rape ARE being normalized in yaoi.