Is it ok to like fictional rape/incest/sexualized minors?
This is a bit of a tough question but imma ask it anyways. So many people hate BL because BL is notorious for basically romanticizing rape, sexualizing minors, and exploring a lot of taboo topics (i.e. incest). Of course this make sense because historically BL really came from dj culture which was about just sexual stuff and stuff. But the concern about allowing this sort of flexibility with BL still stands. Is it ok to enjoy seeing minors sexualized in manga and dj? Is it ok to keep supporting relationships that start from rape? Is incest ok in fiction?
People say “it’s just fiction” but many also argue that fiction can bleed into reality. How would you respond?
Say you are ok with shouta and you saw pedophilia in a TV show...would you still be ok with that? Where exactly are the boundaries?
Does liking taboo stuff like incest mean you’re subconsciously ok with it? Do you think these taboo subjects are connected to morals? Is fiction where you can “break” your morals?
For me I have no issue separating reality with fiction. But I see the issue with liking something in fiction and seeing how it translates to reality for some people. So I don’t exactly put “characters” and “humans” in the same sort of category so I don’t have the same boundaries established for characters. Like murder? I condemn murder in real life but murder in fiction? I don’t even flinch an eye. That’s not to say I completely have different standards for characters (like if a character is cheating on someone I wouldn’t like that character) but I still have looser rules (?) for the fictional world. Although frankly I’m just confused if I can like BL despite BL being low key problematic.
Thank you if you read this far. If you can comment your answers and/or thoughts I would like to read them.
This is a really good question. Its kinda important too, I've been thinking about this a lot.
I agree that fiction is not reality but I also am completely aware that fiction can bleed and influence reality.
I don't have a problem with "toxic" stories as long as the people who are reading it realize that the story is a just a good read and nothing......
2 reply
03 08,2020