The Most Pain You Felt

:( [Experience]
25 07,2020
Looking at myself in the mirror   reply
25 07,2020
Pain pain pain pain [Experience]
25 07,2020
The worst pain I felt was when I was 10, at school, I broke my tooth falling to the ground head first. I was bleeding quite a lot and right after I had to eat... I didn't eat, my tooth was literally telling me to go fuck myself ( T﹏T ) too much pain. Story not very interesting ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ Have a nice day ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   1 reply
25 07,2020
25 07,2020
I remember when I had the worst panic attack in my entire life. The day of my panic attack I was already dealing with some hard stuff at that time and I was terribly stressed out. The morning didn't go off so well and once I've gotten home from school I immediately broke down on my bed crying. I sobbed and cried from mental pain and stress I just c......   1 reply
25 07,2020
" one sided love " [Experience]
Paprika 05 07,2020
back in high school.. .there's a new transfered student that I got closed with.. .then eventually I thought there's something special between me and him.. .( even my friends thought that so they said to him that he should confess ) I assumed that the feelings were mutual until he said that we should be friends for a while (kinda felt like we have t......   reply
05 07,2020
I was in a car accident two years ago (literally, it happened 07/02/18)where my femurs shattered upon impact (thigh bones and biggest bones in your body). Both of my knees and right hip were fractured the other hip broken and missing a piece. I am the kind of person who has an incredibly high pain tolerance and therefore not the kind of person to s......   2 reply
05 07,2020
Pets [Experience]
FabbyPotato 27 05,2020
My beloved cat (mumble or bebe) which used to follow me around and wont sleep until i sleep, died on my arms exactly one night before i take my University exam and what make it even more harder was when i finished the exam someone played a song which "I love you 3000".... That song was what we used to listen together :") heck we listen to that sing......   2 reply
27 05,2020
My heart just sank bro [Experience]
[DELETED] 26 05,2020
The worst pain I felt was when my minecraft wolf burned in lava right in front of me. I couldn't do anything to stop it, to this day I'm still traumatized of taming another wolf in fear of killing it. The sounds as it died still haunt me to this day.   2 reply
26 05,2020
Worst pain? [Experience]
Naomi Takahashi
03 05,2020
I actually got hit by a car when i was 7 years old and I'm in coma for 1 month because I'm really badly injured! and i still remember the pain that i felt that time! it really hurts   1 reply
03 05,2020

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