I don't find this weird at all. I am not familiar with all the new terms and labels. Ive heard of some but lack true understanding; especially the mixture, dont they cancel out each other like iron would calcium? My younger sibling says I'm asexual then she says I'm pansexual and then she ends it by saying...I don't know what you are, your just you......   reply
10 08,2020
so you could love anybody regardless of their gender but u like men sexually, right? That's a panromantic hetreosexual. Let's say you fall for a female, and want to be in a relationship with her but her body doesn't interest you. It really depends on what she wants and what you agree on. I personally could be in a sexless relationship no problem al......   2 reply
10 08,2020
So, if I understand well, you're heterosexual, panromantic, and grey-A. Grey A means you're not asexual to some degree, you still experiene sexual attraction but not very often. Personnaly I don't find your preferences weird, I think my sexual preferences differs a bit from my romantic preferences too. I don't really care if my partner doesn't wa......   1 reply
10 08,2020
Is it weird if I am straight when it comes to sex but pan when it comes actually love? I don't care what gender when it comes to dating but if having sex I just want to dick... And I don't even like sex that much. say if I'm your lover, and you don't have a d, and I say, 'hey you don't have a d, can we just love each other without having sex?' are you still with me or 'nah, you dick lover bitch. Just go and find your d' or you have another answer?

And if you have same case as me, are you fine if your partner go around fuck with someone else cause you can not pleases them? I think is fine as long they love me right? Or I just being dumb?

Feel free to roast me if you find this question weird af lolololol.
10 08,2020
09 08,2020
I find both men and women attractive but in theory I find sex with men more appealing (rather unexperienced virgin). I know I'm either lithromantic or aromantic but I don't know if I'm lithosexual, bi/bi curious, asexual, or aceflux. Alot of time things sound really pleasurable but in action it unpleasant (ex I've tried kissing a couple times and h......   2 reply
09 08,2020
01 07,2020
I think you mean sexual or romantic. If you have never had a platonic relationship it means you’ve never had a friend. If that’s the case, sorry man. Also like all the other comments here don’t stress so much about labels. I think it’s dumb to give that much brain capacity to something so tiny. Sexuality isn’t easy to label. It just plain......   1 reply
01 07,2020
Let me give you a mini quiz: A girl you liked turns out to be trans, do you lose your sexual/romantic attraction to her, or do you keep liking her? A boy that you like comes out as non-binary, do you keep liking them or you lose your sexual/romantic attraction towards them? If you said that you will keep liking both of them then you’re most l......   reply
01 07,2020
Ask yourself these questions: - do you have a gender preference (example: 60% attracted to males, 40% to females) - Would you be okay in dating an Agender person, or generally genders that are *outside of the binary* (that's where the prefix bi plays a role) If you have a preference and actually care about someone's gender then you're most likely ......   1 reply
01 07,2020
It looks like you are interested in someone's personality rather then the gender, if I'm not wrong you are "pansexual". Pansexuality refers to those who fall in love with peoples personalities.   reply
01 07,2020
Dont worry about it dude, there is no need to label yourself, just vibe and explore your interests and if a label sticks that's cool. Other people probably have better advice but I think life is too short not to vibe :))   reply
01 07,2020

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