Told Ur Lover About Yaoi

Straight Ladies [Answer]
imapotato 29 01,2020
uhm i dont HAVE a guy so idk. but probably? i mean if the topic or something related comes up and i trust him enough to not go around telling others about it then yes.   reply
29 01,2020
Straight Ladies [Answer]
29 01,2020
Well, I'm bi but I've only dated guys so far.. and yeah, I think you always have to tell the truth about who you are, no matter what. The main point in a relationship for me is not having any secrets and accepting and loving your partner in all their aspects. Also, in my case, being a fujoshi wasn't the weirdest thing to confess. Try having to tell......   1 reply
29 01,2020
Straight Ladies [Answer]
29 01,2020
I'm ace, but I'm heteroromantic, so yeah in the hypothetical situation of me getting a boyfriend he would just have to deal with it. It's not really something I try to hide in the first place. I mean, last week at the geek store I literally waved a BL book right in the face of two of my male classmates whilst excitedly bragging about how they had t......   reply
29 01,2020
Straight Ladies [Answer]
29 01,2020
When we started dating, I didn't told him right away, is still something personal to share. We are already dating for a long time now, so I kinda start talking about it, at the end of the day is something of my daily life, he was pretty okay with it, he actually doesn't like it personally, but he likes listening to me talking about the stories, and......   reply
29 01,2020
Straight Ladies [Answer]
29 01,2020
I told him, he doesn't care one bit. It's a part of me, I didn't feel like hiding it from him, there's no point.   reply
29 01,2020
If you read a lot of yaoi and get more frequently horny, you're likely to have more sex. But if you're both inexperienced, you might find you're no longer satisfied with his skill level. Masturbation should never be better than sex with your partner unless you are not really invested in your partner (or Ace). It's then a matter of if you're both......   1 reply
01 01,2020
In my experience, reading BL made me wanting to have intercourse with my partner more often (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧. But too much of anything is never good, so as long as you can balance and control the two activities, I don't see any harm in it   1 reply
01 01,2020
Hi, do you think reading yaoi and have fantaisies about it can impact sexual life with bf? I'm beginning to read Yaoi and I discover how horny it can put me sometimes, then I masturbate myself. I fear to develop too much this fantasy life and feel less desire for my bf... Or can it be the reverse? Can it led me to have more sex with him?
What are your experiences about that subject?
01 01,2020
Straight Ladies [Answer]
Kawaii_70 29 12,2019
Honestly it is his loss if he doesn't accept it. If I can accept his porn activities then he can accept my love for Yaoi. However, honestly Yaoi and porn can be unhealthy for a relationship because it can fill your mind with fantasies which can make you overthink and overestimate how your partner should look or act like.   reply
29 12,2019
Straight Ladies [Answer]
29 12,2019
I recently broke up with my bf, and while in the relationship I honestly was kinda afraid to tell him. I did end up telling him and he teased me about it a little, but overall he was cool with it.   1 reply
29 12,2019

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