Worst sin [Answer]
21 07,2019
Your totally normal, you just have high libido. The fact that you can't talk about this with your relatives make you feel akward but you have no problem, many people masturbate often And the masturbation have no side effect, just enjoy^^ But if you want to calm down a little you can try yoga or meditation. Good luck(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧   reply
21 07,2019
Worst Sin [Experience]
21 07,2019
Since this is anonymous I'll get it off my chest. When I was about 5, still 4, my grandparents had to babysit me my brother and two other cousins. This guy that is very close to my family, lived with my grandparents. Everyone thought he was the nicest guy and very kind, even me. One day he asked if I wanted to play with him and I said sure so he wo......   4 reply
21 07,2019
Worst sin [Answer]
Odango-chan 21 07,2019
some people do have higher sexual drive, I don't think it's weird. as far I know masturbating didn't affect your health badly. If you wanna stop or atleast reduce it for whatever reason, you need a strong will and always remember your reason, try to avoid thing that can make you aroused and try to touch yourself as little as possible. it'll be hard......   reply
21 07,2019
Worst sin [Question]
Suxixi 21 07,2019
I really am embarassed about this matter. As a girl growing up in a conservative family, We barely discuss about sex and things related to it. Then, came the time I learn about masturbation. Yes. From the internet. The problem is , i later became addicted to it and while watching p*rn , i did so many times, like 6 or 7 times  every 2 or 3 days. These days i really hv been  sexually frustrated so almost everyday i go into heat.  Am i normal ? Or something wrong ? Can masturbating too much effect my health? Any side effect ? Someone pls answer me^^
21 07,2019
not mine [Experience]
20 07,2019
he kissed me first and i didn't think of it cuz im pretty sure it was nothing. my sin was i kiss him back and we end-up making out as if we were lovers. to sum it up he was my cousin's crush for 5 years and i even encouraged her. my excuses were, im weak against my lustful desires and honestly im curious of his tongue.   reply
20 07,2019
My worst sin [Experience]
what is life without a bigD? 20 07,2019
My worst sin is that I'm always thinking about sex. Maybe because I'm a Scorpio maybe just because I'm a perv. I'm straight S & M ( both) and sometimes I just wanna mess that girl up. I love boys but there's that girl that I just wanna ' control ' ? That's my S side. Ofcrs I keep it for me. Not trying to hurt anybody. And I hate that about m......   reply
20 07,2019
my worst sin [Experience]
20 07,2019
so, when I was little, around 10-11 i think?, my mum used to work at this tiny bar/cafe(during the day it was a café and and night it functioned as a bar) that a friend of hers owned, and I sometimes hung out there after school. on the other side of the street was this equally tiny hairsaloon-thing, and the dude that worked there? owned the place?......   5 reply
20 07,2019
lies [Experience]
19 07,2019
for me, my worst sin just affected me. i was 12 years old when I lied saying I had a boyfriend. in my head, that wouldn't be a big deal if I just stopped my friends from introducing boys to me. I kept lying for almost a year, when I decided to "put an end" to that, "killing" my imaginary bf. everyone was moved, several people wishing me condolences......   reply
19 07,2019
I need to repent. [Experience]
antagonistinblack 09 03,2019
Me mastering procrastination.   reply
09 03,2019
My Worst Sin [Experience]
22 01,2019
I guess since I am anonymous, I can get this off my chest. When I was in primary school, roughly eight years old, I was introduced to one of my sister's friends, my sister was twelve at the time, and so was her friend, her friend's name was called Leah. My sister, Leah and I both when to the same school so eventually, we were friends. I would pla......   7 reply
22 01,2019

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