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Before starting I would like to mention that I am South Asian, our culture is very different from the west so keep that it mind. Also it’s gonna be very very long so just skip it if you don’t wanna be bothered.

So I had this huge group of friends for 8 years. We had been friends from 5th grade and never really had any fight or falling out between us. My family situation wasn’t really the best so these friends meant a lot to me. A while ago this girl who is sorta liked the leader of our group called me saying she wanted to study with the same chemistry private tutor I was studying. Now his salary is very high so me and 2 of my friends were taking lessons from him at my house. She asked if she could study with us and I was like yes of course but she said she wanted to change the location from my house to hers because it’s beneficial for all 3 of them. Now I would have agreed but I had this online class right after the private tuition session so I told her that and she was like okay and never contacted me about this situation again. We kept texting normally after that and she never brought it up. After a while the other two friend (they're twin siblings) stopped coming to the tution because of their financial problems so I had to stop the lesson altogether as I wasn’t rich enough to take lessons from him alone. Now I started learning chemistry from an uni student online and after a while all of them (the twins and the leader) started taking his online classes as well but right before our test exams he fell sick and at this point we are in deep trouble because our syllabus wasn’t finished. Now I contact those three asking if they want to go to the chemistry teacher we used to take lessons before but they all reject it, the twins mention their financial problems and the leader didn’t really say much about it. I was studying alone at home for the exams when I listened from another of my friends that they started taking lessons from THAT very teacher I suggested taking lessons from but they just excluded me. Now I try to contact them about this situation , thinking maybe there was some misunderstanding only to find out they have blocked me on social media, I called them but they didn’t pick up and since we didn’t have any real life classes I wasn’t able to confront them directly. That was the end of it. Everyone got busy with exam preparations. After the test exam there was a month gap till the actual board exam and during that time we never talked. I heard from my best friend who is also close friends with them that there was a reason why they acted like that but she can't say it to me. She also mentioned how the group leader cried in a call with her saying I was the reason she couldn’t study to that chemistry teacher and all. Even after hearing everything my best friend kept being close friends with them because I didn’t want to be the one to make her choose. Months passed and on the last day of board exam one of the twins approached me. We were hanging out together as a huge group and all of them were part of that group. She didn’t apologize or anything, she was like would you accept my request if I sent you one, I was like okay. Now see we had been friends for years and for the most part I was a huge pushover who would go along with everything the others were saying and I didn’t want to lose people I have considered as my precious friends for so long. Then we all started preparing for uni admission exams, months passed. I met up with my best friend, all of us were planning to meet up on the day of Eid. Even the leader was going to come, my best friend kept going on about how awkward it would be, how much she appreciates the leader friend , how she wished everything to be normal again.. She even said she could make me apologise to the leader but the leader won't apologize. At this point I got angry at her because she kept taking her side and when I asked why she said she couldn’t tell me the reason. Then we went home and had another fight, I said I didn’t want her to just drop them but I would like it if she didn’t take their side in front of me when to me clearly they were the ones in the wrong. On the Eid day we went to hang out and the best friend didn’t say a word to me. I came home and asked if she was going to stop talking to me over this. She said yes and how she was pretending to be my best friend for a while. That really hurt me, we stopped talking altogether but I didn’t remove her from my social media. Months passed and one day she suddenly texted me. I noticed that she was the one who removed me from all her social media accounts. I told this story to like 2-3 people as I didn’t want to involve everyone in this mess. After that I got busy with uni. Another eid came, I saw some of my friends got together. They invited all of my ex friends but not me, when I asked a friend about it she said she thought I wasn’t in town so they didn’t invite me, another one said they had no idea that I wasn’t invited.. There is going to be this big hang out of the whole group and people who have no idea about the situation invited me. Should I go there? Like I don’t want to stop hanging out with people who I am still friends with but I am hesitant as I have such a messy situation with so many of them. Should I cut ties with everyone who hung out with others and excluded me? I am really hesitant about it since they could be telling the truth. And I have like no friends besides them, making real friends is hard and I have such long history of friendship with so many of them. Also I got little to no closure from this whole situation, why do you think they did what they did? There was a time I shed lots of tears over the friendships that ended and it physically hurt me to think that they just cut ties with me over something so trivial.
12 04,2024
whats at the bottom of the ocean and shivers.. a nervous reck

found a wooden shoe in my toilet today. It was clogged.

I can't take my dog to the pond anymore because the ducks keep attacking him. That's what I get for buying a pure bread dog.

If a pig loses its voice…does it become disgruntled?


What has five toes and isn't your foot? My foot.

one more dad joke before i play genshin impact

In my free time, I like to help blind people. Verb, not adjective.
27 06,2021
Is it fucked up so basically I got into an agreement with my friend, and we basically are ignoring each other I've known her for 2 years. Plus we have 4 periods together so I always see her. But I kinda wanna ignore her cause she's so loud and gets into "joke" fights are is kinda annoying. So if I ignore her I get to spend 20 precious minutes reading in the library. and I really wanna know who would crack first and how long I could ignore her for :D. She mostly angry cause I always imagine people in a dark room and I basically beat them up and I said I sometimes think of her in this room so ya (i know it's fucked up its cause I barely vent my anger or if trama and It kinda helps me see why what I'm imagining is fucked up and helps me kinda calm down, its definitely not healthy). So ya she is ignoring me and I left the group chats with all my friends so I'm alone but I only really need my one friend. This was kinda a vent cause I cant vent in the discord chat cause of the friend ignoring me <3
29 05,2021
Hi I’m your resident hoe for thembos.
If ya gotta a respectful hottie who’s dumber than bread, leave them here and I’ll simp till I’m dead.

**Also don’t forget the sauce (^ 3 °) ~
18 02,2021
my friends always share things that i don't know. they share things only among them. and when they need help they never ask me. they never start a conversation with me. i always feel like they slowly left me behind. and it makes me so stress :(
25 06,2020
So i recently lost my best friends because they got tired of me being depressed cause it made them feel drained and stuff and ig they just didn't want to deal with me anymore, even tho I was always there for them whenever they needed anything and I would always ask if they were ok when they seemed down. They always acted like i was causing problems making me look like the bad person. They never realized their own mistakes but instead blamed everything on me. I was the one always apologizing or asking if they were ok. It just hurts cause I cared sm about them but they didn't care as much about me and never understood my feelings or cared enough to be there for me.
The thing is, im going into my senior yr with no friends and no one to hang with at lunch or break ya kno
so ig i just need advice on how to make more friends when everyone is in their friend groups already
And for those who went through similar things how did you deal with it? How do you stay positive and stuff
24 05,2020