When’s your funeral?   reply
24 02,2021
My siblings blackmail me so they won't tell my parents about the BL shit I buy :D   reply
24 02,2021
i promise u bby its not ok they were going to find it anyways go for a walk breathe   reply
24 02,2021
Everything's gonna be alright let me pray for you homie   reply
24 02,2021
my sister found my stash of yaoi today and i'm soo embarrassed like bitch why'd you have to find it *ugly cries* worst of y'all she told my mom ahhhhhhhhh
24 02,2021
25 11,2020
I think it is preferable if you keep it to yourself, shipping real life people can actually ruin relationships sometimes.   reply
25 11,2020
Oh Lin Sehunnian
25 11,2020
I think it’s okay since the other two are fine with it since they are otaku themselves too, irl unless they say explicitly that it’s uncomfortable for them, you can just ship for fun. I mean I don’t mind if my bf do the same lol, In the end, it depends on your relationship dynamics. We can all have a little fun in things I think   reply
25 11,2020
choicale is canon 25 11,2020
as long as it's not making your boyfriend uncomfortable then i think it's fine lol. i think most would dislike that though since they're dating you, not another guy. and also not to exaggerate and talk about it irl like it's a normal thing, just keep it in your fantasies lmao. i have never watched the anime but i have seen a few clips though   reply
25 11,2020
denkisleftnut 25 11,2020
I'm going to be straight up and say no...it's different and honestly weird you can like the friendship between them but going further to shipping real life people is just weird and can make the ones being shipped feel uncomfortable   reply
25 11,2020

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