Experience Being Out Of Closet

myself in the mirror   reply
19 09,2020
my ugly self in the mirror and the teachers in my online classes   reply
19 09,2020
I'm tired of seeing all you ugly ass trolls.   reply
19 09,2020
19 09,2020
Not really cool lmao [Experience]
U got e x p o s e d
23 04,2020
I did, last august. I had a girlfriend at that time, and I loved her so much that I decided to gather up my courage and tell my mother about my bisexuality. I wanted to love her freely. But I got so scared that I starting crying A LOT, totally unable to talk. When I started getting a bit better, I told her that I liked girls. I couldn't give her a ......   reply
23 04,2020
My experience as a wlw [Experience]
26 12,2019
Came out the wrong way, too soon for me, I didn't seem 100% cause I wasn't confident in them yet, so people didn't take me as seriously (three years plus after coming out, still feeling the same) The family I came out to is understanding, in how I can't control what I am mentally and physically attracted to, and wanting me to be happy. I am extreme......   reply
26 12,2019

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