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I wanna know are Doujins considered fetishizing mlm. Reading them commenting on them etc.
14 06,2021
everytime i think about plastic surgery i have this dichotomy where a part of myself is like 'cool let's get a nose job' and the other part of myself is like 'nO love yourself accept yourself you're already pretty >:('

i would like to know if you guys also experience this and how do you deal with it
14 06,2021
Send pic of how you dress vs how you want to dress
30 11,2020
Pinterest pictures please<3
30 11,2020
wow i can ask a questoion.(⊙…⊙ )
30 11,2020
Anczar 06 10,2020
post a rare cursed image? or some gay shit idk. my reaction folder is drying i feel like ive seen everything on the intherneth
06 10,2020
Ok so you know how BL fans have like an official title. Don’t you think it’s kinda weird how GL fans don’t? So to distract myself from that long ass paragraph that I just finished writing, tell me what you think GL fans are called or what you think they should be called. It doesn’t have to be a Japanese name either. It can be an English name if you want. I look forward to reading these.
07 09,2020
Ok so we all know the stereotypes: fetishizing gay men, likes rape, are secretly all pedos. Everyday you see at least 1 question bashing fujoshis. I used to be on the other side of this argument but I’ve had a change of heart. I now think these are mostly false claims. Don’t get me wrong I’m well aware that there are fujoshis like that but I think it’s wrong to say that all of them or even most of them act like this. I also think it’s wrong to put all the blame on fujoshis. What about (this pains me to say this because I’m one of them) the GL fans. Don’t even get me started on how sexualized lesbians are. The only difference is that there aren’t as many GL fans as there are BL fans on this site. (Also GL fans don’t really have a name but I’ll get more into that in my second question that I’ll be posting). Also have you guys ever really thought about the age group that are saying these kinds of things? Most of them are kids and while that doesn’t make it any better it does make it more understandable. These are young girls who are just getting into BL manga and don’t really have a way to express themselves. And when all the most popular BL have at least one rape scene in them how do you expect them to react. It’s no wonder there are so many young fujoshis that fantasize about rape when it’s literally being shoved into their faces as soon as they open this site. So really the point of this was to tell you all to calm down. Instead of bashing them constantly and getting them discouraged, show them the wrongs of their actions. And do it KINDLY. (Key word KINDLY).
07 09,2020
07 09,2020
So recently I ranted about something to my friend online and I’m not even sure if she read it or not but I realized that it felt good getting it all out there to someone even if it was just through text. So this one is for you guys. Share something really random that’s made you angry. Let it all out too. I’m talking 7 paragraphs of this shit. Who know it might help you release some stress.
07 09,2020
Hello! Recently, I have become pretty insecure about my face. I know I should be more confident in myself and love myself, but I realized that no matter what, I want to have plastic surgery to look better. I really hate my frontal view on camera and I want to not feel like shit when I look in the mirror. I would really like to have conversation about this topic with this community. Such as: Have you ever had plastic surgery (and benefitted from it)?, What is your viewpoint on plastic surgery?, and If you want plastic surgery, what procedure what you like to get done? For me personally, I would get plastic surgery to widen my forehead (I really hope there is a surgery for that), to narrow my nose, and shave my jaw. I also would like eye filler for my sunken in eyes. It’s gonna be a lot of money, especially since I want to go Korea to get it done.
06 08,2019